About CE Credit Academy

CE Credit Academy was founded in 2014 by Don Xavier.


This platform was created, designed, and implemented to provide relevant and Accredited Continuing Education credits to Canada’s insurance industry.
Our courses focus on mindset conditioning, sales management mastery, sales cycles, insurance strategies, compliance, and best practices. Each course will have a simple quiz at the end enabling you to download and or print your continuing education credit(s).


The CE Credit courses offered through this site have been accredited by The Institute for Advanced Financial Education.


We provide access to video-on-demand focused on relevant education intended to be inspirational and motivating.


The programs will assist sales professionals to develop critical and relevant sales skills and knowledge as we only utilize time-tested and proven highly effective teaching methodology to educate and develop sales professionals in a simple format. Good luck with enhancing your personal development while acquiring your continuing education credits.


Remember to always begin your day with determination and end your day with satisfaction!